Friday, 23 November 2012

Essay Plan

MACRO: Theme of Coming of Age

Point 1: Struggle
Examples: Oliver and his mum talking in his bedroom (Submarine) and Introduction - Lola in the bathroom with her mum and sister (LOL).
Analysis: look at mise-en-scene: costume- how it represents the character's personalities and lighting of the scenes to create a mood/feeling. Go into the details of both scenes (what's happening)
Synthesis: explain how and what themes and messages are put across by the two directors of coming-of-age.

Point 2: Family
Examples: Oliver witnesses mother going into ex-boyfriends van (Submarine) and when Lola hears phone conversation between her mum and ex-husband,.
Analysis: Talk about how the characters are being represented and how they react to these situations. Also look at the mise-en-scene: costume, setting, and facial expressions/body language.
Synthesis: talk about how family can turn you into a more independent person and how the directors put across the themes/messages: adults can act like teenagers sneaking around and teens look more like adults in both films.

Point 3: Sex
Examples: When we find out Oliver and Jordana have just slept together (Submarine) and also when Lola and Kyle sleep together (LOL).
Analysis:  Lighting and what they are wearing to tell the audience what is happening and the setting and lighting of both scenes.
Synthesis: Explain the main element of a typical coming-of-age film which is presented in both films and messages.

Point 4: Resolution of both films
Examples: The ending scenes
Analysis: Look at the mise-en-scene: lighting/colour, setting, how characters are positioned and costume
Synthesis: How the characters overcome their problems and whether the ending is positive/negative and how their relationships are concluded. (The endings are positive for both Submarine and LOL). 

1 comment:

  1. Very good effort.
    Now flesh out with MICRO meaning linked to your themes/messages
    You should also consider the 'Resolution' of the film - this is usually a key scene to focus on in terms of how the characters problems/relationships are concluded and the message behind the film
    Well done
